Victoria Konefal Interview


You looked excited for your Runway Magazine shoot, tell us about your favorite look?

 I loved the red oversized dress with the yellow glasses, I felt very Posh Spice. 

Who is your favorite designers for red carpet?

Recently I’ve been loving Bronx and Banco! Their dresses are so unique and detailed, they always make me feel like a princess. 

Tell us about your personal style?

It’s very East Coast. My color scheme tends to be really dark. I like wearing black, gray, white, and red. I live in leather, sweatpants, and hoodies. Sneakers are my life. My personal style is very laid back and sporty. 

What is like on the set of a soap opera?

It’s incredible! The pace we work at is so fast, which makes it feel very professional but in the coolest way possible. Everyone is always smiling and laughing but we always get our work done. 

Tell us about your funniest moment on set?

I forgot to shave my legs the night before I had to wear a mini skirt. The funny part was me frantically shaving my legs in my dressing room sink as they were calling my name for set. It was a private moment, but I wish I had it recorded. The look on my face was priceless. 

What kind of music do you like?

Every kind. But I primarily listen to Hip-hop, rock music, and classic 80’s tunes. 

Got any pets?

I have one Miniature Schnauzer named Lola. She acts like a bunny/goat/puppy hybrid. She’s an angel. 

Tell us about your favorite shoes?

My black thigh high boots by Vince. I’ve worn them every day for the past week. If I could sleep in them I would. 

What is like filming a horror movie? Were you ever scared on set for real?

I was never scared when we were filming because I knew it wasn’t real. However, there was this one moment where our director was showing me clips off of his phone while a scary clown stood right behind me so that when I turned around I would get frightened. It worked. 

Tell us about your family and growing up?

My family means everything to me. Growing up with European parents in America was interesting because I learned European customs from them while learning American customs from my friends at school. I liked having a different world at home. It made me feel special. 

What stresses you out the most on set?

Honestly, the process of getting my hair and makeup done. I don’t know why but I always get restless. I guess it’s just because I’m so eager to work. 

What advice would you give to people who are camera shy?

Pretend it’s not there. Transport yourself to another world, and try to truly believe it. 

What do you have planned for the future?

Travel, work, and dogs. 

What are your social media handles?

 I’m @victoriakonefal on all platforms!