Runway Catches Up With ABC Family's Caitlin Carver


You play Hayley Heinz on ABC Family’s The Fosters. You

are a member of the dance team on the show, but you are

a dancer in real life, too, right? Tell us about your dance


I am a dancer in real life! My mom put me in ballet when

I was two, and then when I got a little older I started jazz,

contemporary, tap, hip hop, and pointe. I have not stopped

since. Dance is my first love!

How about the dances you have to learn for the show?

Do you meet often for practice, like a real-life high school

dance team?

Yes, we definitely feel like a team! And we all get along

really well, which is a little different from how the team is

portrayed on the show. We have several days of rehearsal

together before we film the dance scenes. Each rehearsal

usually lasts around 8 hours!

On the show, your character is good friends with Mariana

and dates Jesus. Some fans call her the “bad girl” of the

show. She definitely does some manipulative things, but do

you place her as a “bad girl,” a “good girl,” or somewhere


She is definitely not a “good girl,” though I wouldn’t

necessarily label Hayley as a “bad girl” either. She just

manipulates her way into getting exactly what she wants. Is

that always bad? 😉

What is your favorite part of being on set for The Fosters?

My favorite part would have to be working with such

genuine and talented people. Between the cast, crew,

directors, writers, and producers, I leave the set every day

completely inspired.

Who is your best friend on set? Do you hang out with

anyone outside of filming?

I love them all. I can’t choose one best friend, haha. I hang

out with Amanda Leighton and Jordan Rodrigues the most.

Decision time: If you, Caitlin, could date any of the

characters on the show, who would you pick? Wyatt,

Brandon, or stay true to character and pick Jesus?

I really love Wyatt right now. He is an attentive and patient

boyfriend. It doesn’t get better than that. OH, and that

hair… yes, please!

Do you have any special skills or hobbies we don’t know


Sports. I think I’m secretly a tomboy. I love basketball,

softball, and soccer. And I’m surprisingly good at them.

Describe your perfect day, from waking up to going to bed.

I’d start with a LARGE cup of coffee, go for a morning hike

with my best girlfriends, film all day, have dinner with my

family, watch a cheesy romantic movie, and drink sleepytime

tea before going to bed.

If acting could take you to one place in the world, where

would you want to go? What would you want to do while

you were there, and who would you take with you?

Greece! I would reenact Mamma Mia with my mom, haha! I

am dying to go to Greece.You describe yourself as a coffee addict. What is your

favorite coffee drink? Favorite café?

I love black coffee! Sometimes I’ll add a pack of Stevia for a

sweeter taste. LA has the cutest cafés. Some of my favorites

are Aroma, Intelligentsia, and Lamill.

Do you have any upcoming projects that we should look out


Yes! I have two movies in the works. I can’t say too much

yet, but they are both very exciting and totally different.

Keep an eye out next year!