MTV's Jillian Rose Reed Talks to Runway


How can you relate to your character, Tamara, on Awkward?

At this point, after four years, Tamara is a big part of me. When I created her, I took bits of myself as well as people I knew and loved in high school. We also both talk really, really fast!

Can you dish any details on the second half of season 4 airing this fall?

We left on a pretty crazy note… with the new girl, Eva, telling everyone she’s pregnant. In the next 10 episodes, we find out lot more about that situation, plus a lot more about Jake and Tamara. They left off deciding to become friends again after breaking up, so you’ll see where their new friendship leads.

Are there any plans for another season after this one?

I hope so! We haven’t heard yet, but my fingers are crossed. I want the show to go on forever.Tell us about your project “Breaking the Chains”.

I am the spokesperson for this new non-profit! We focus on changing the face of eating disorders and can hopefully bring a new sense of hope, through art, to people suffering. We are currently running a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo to fund our first launch project, a music video that I’m starring in.

Has being in the entertainment industry affected your self-esteem or body image?

Of course. I think it’s hard not to be affected by this industry. I try to always remain positive and love myself, but I am definitely more conscious of how I look being in an industry that puts you [under] a spotlight.

Is there an actor or an actress that you would love to play opposite of onscreen?

There are a billion! I would love to work with Sandra Bullock, Paul Rudd, or Jennifer Aniston. I love comedy, so anyone comedic really!

When you go home to Michigan, do people treat you differently?

It depends. There are always those people who hated you in high school but are super buddy-buddy now. I try not to pay attention to that. I’m still friends with my best friends from high school and they treat me no differently. In fact, when I see them we really don’t talk about my career at all. They watch everything I do, but we would rather talk about boys!

What beauty products can you not live without?

A good deep conditioner! I dye my hair often, so I use a L’Oreal conditioner to keep my hair from breaking. That and eyeliner. I’m not complete without a smoky eye.

How has your personal style evolved over the past few years?

I’m 22, so the past few years I did a lot of finding myself. I went from dressing rather simply to discovering I like to have an edge.

Is there a fall style trend you absolutely love?

I love big sweaters! They’re classic; you can dress them down or put on jeans and heels. They always look great with a scarf too!

Are there any trends out right now that you just don’t see the appeal of?

Right now, no. I’m pretty open to trying different, fashionforward things. As long as it looks good on my figure, I’m good!

Can you share any tidbits on some upcoming projects?

Last summer, I worked on an independent comedy called Sharon 1.2.3, where I got the chance to play a young mom. It was a really cool change for me! That film will be circulating soon.

You love doing comedy. Is there a comedian you really look up to or would love to work with?

I really love Sandra Bullock. I think it’s so cool that everyone has always admired her for being funny and then she won an Oscar for a drama! I would love a career like that.

What advice do you have for women trying to break into the entertainment industry?

I tell everyone the same thing. If you wouldn’t die if you weren’t acting, if you don’t love it with every bone in your body, then don’t do it. It’s really, really hard.

Published in the Fall 2014 issue of Runway