Your new movie Life Tracker (available on iTunes) sounds very intriguing. Tell us how you got involved and why you chose this as a project you always wanted to work on behind the camera.

Life Tracker came to me through one of the producers on the film. I was in New York at the time and I read the script and loved it right away. It was not your typical Hollywood movie. When I got back to LA I met with the director Joe McClean and heard how he wanted to shoot it and was sold. It’s not a movie for everyone and I understand that but Matt, Barry and myself (the three leads) all came on board because we really wanted to do something different in film making. I came on as a producer because I had been wanting to produce something for a while but was looking in a smaller budget range so as not get in over my head. When this came my way I thought “This couldn’t be more perfect.” Joe McClean was such a great director and he did such a fantastic job working with all of us.

I never really had interest in woking behind the camera until the last couple of years. Our industry is changing so much and a lot of actors are making their own projects now and becoming more creatively involved with the process to ensure their safety as well.

Actors don’t make the money they used to unless your doing blockbuster movies. A lot of actors are working for less because they love their craft and just want to work. Along with this, which is the positive side is that we as actors are starting to have more control and making projects that probably would not have been made ten years ago.

We hear you are up in Canada shooting a new series, “Arctic Air.” Please tell our readers a little bit more about that series and your character.

Arctic Air is an hour adventure drama, set in Yellowknife about renegade bush pilots in the North. I play “Lindsay Gallagher” who is new to the town. She’s a smart cop and extremely tough with an MMA background, but she cares a lot about the locals. Lindsay joins forces with the Arctic Air in order to form a stronger team of SAR. (Search and Rescue) The show has a lot of action and working on it has been one of the best experiences I’ve had in my career so I will be sad when the season is over.

As we are a fashion and beauty magazine, what are you go to items in your wardrobe and in your make-up bag.

During the day my go to always is t-shirt and scarf. I love that I can throw on a plain T Shirt and jeans and accessorize it with a different scarf. I also seem to live in my Isabel Marant sneakers. They are so comfortable. Especially when traveling a lot.

My make-up bag will always have Laura Mercier oil free tinted moisturizer (I can’t live with out it) and Kiels clear lip balm.

I am a huge product girl lol I am always telling the female crew on set what they need to be using for cream, SPF’s and make up products. Also what supplements to be taking for their hair, nails etc.I always do my research and then once I find the perfect product I am committed for life.

My friends always said I should start a beauty product blog.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, tell us some of the things you are most thankful for.

As always I am extremely thankful for my family. I don’t see them as much as I would like too but they are always there for me and they know how to pick me up when I am feeling down or knock me down when I am feeling high. : )

I am very thankful for the life I have gotten to live. I always know that even when I have extremely tough days. They are not nearly as tough as some one elses might be. And I am so grateful to the friends I have. I have such an incredible group of people in my life. I never expected to be where I am today with the people I have in my corner.

What are you looking forward to most in 2014 besides the premiere of your next movie Raze?

Raze will be interesting to see in theaters. I am excited for it. I am also excited to start a new project and stay happy and healthy and working hard. I am always happiest when I am being creative or traveling so lets hope that 2014 is filled with both of those things.

Let our readers know where they can find you on social media.

Okay here it goes… I am on Twitter and Instagram at @becksinla and my Facebook is rebeccamarshallfanpage and I now have a tumblr account which is my favorite! It’s under Rebecca Marshall and its “These are a few of my favorite things…” I have a Beauty Product section in it 😉