True Blood’s Kristin Bauer: Interview with a Vampire


Runway: How would you describe your sense of style?

Kristin Bauer: I tend to have a split personality. I like classic and timeless, not fads, as those photos will look dated very quickly. On the other hand, I love sexy new fashion, like these platform (basically stripper) shoes that are the rage. But again, even new trends on me look best when they’re based on classic flattering lines, like from the ’40s and ’50s.

R: Who are some of your favorite designers to wear?

KB: For my personal life, I’m very comfortable in Gap jeans and Frye boots! But for the red carpet, I love Ralph Lauren. My wedding dress was Alberta Ferretti. I love the romance of their dresses. On the stylist’s rack, I’ve often picked Mandalay. And also, I must say, I’ve worn a lot of Stop Staring dresses-they just fit me. If I feel pretty, I’m in.

R: How would you describe Pam’s sense of style and working with the costume designer?

KB: What I love about Pam is that she dresses for every single occasion. She really is a Barbie. In season one-for the vampire trial-she was Safari Barbie. For her day job before the club opens, she was Exercise Barbie (even though a vampire doesn’t need to exercise). We have done Harley Barbie. Kill Someone Barbie. Ladies Who Lunch Barbie. But a consistent theme, thanks to our costume designer Audrey [Fisher], is that every single detail is perfect.

R: What is your favorite part about playing a vampire? Did you ever have a fascination with them when you were younger?

KB: I do remember leaving a window open when I was a preteen, hoping for a vampire. I think what I got was a runny nose as I grew up in Wisconsin. And I also loved the Anne Rice books and movies. I was very happy to get to play a vampire, but most importantly, a vampire who relishes being a vampire.

R: Did the True Blood makeup artist scold you for getting your orchid tattoo?

KB: Ha ha! [Our key makeup artist Lana Grossman] may have silently cursed me, but outwardly, she said, “No problem. We cover them all the time.” Lana is amazing!

R: What more can we expect from Pam? All we’ve heard about this season so far is that there will be witches and more nudity.

KB: Hmm…well, what can I tell you? I think I can safely tell you that when Pam’s maker is in dire circumstances, so is Pam. She is intensely loyal to him. One thing I learned about Pam this year and made me truly fall in love with her is that she never ever gives up-and she never ever stops dressing for the event, either. Where 99.9 percent of us would cave, she puts on the appropriate outfit and her mascara and goes to war. She never quits.

R: How is the dynamic with your fanged co-stars, mainly Pam’s number one, Eric, played by Alexander Skarsgard?

KB: Personally, I absolutely love Alex. And Pam feels the same way. He is a perfect maker and scene partner and friend.

R: We’ve heard that you’re a very eco-friendly cast.

KB: We have a couple of obsessive recyclers. We really have a lot of do-gooders on this set. At table reads, we’re often signing items for charity auctions. This goes all the way to the top of our show and our network-from animal rights to gay rights to help for disease research [to aid for] third-world children. It’s an amazing group of people.

R: Most people may not know that you’re also a visual artist. Do you still draw and paint around your acting schedule?

KB: I do! And I’m moving back into carving out the time for art now. I’m working hard to figure it out because I want to have a show this year. I drew Alex last year for charity, and will soon be doing a piece of Stephen Moyer [who plays Bill] for charity as well.

R: Can you describe some of your paintings? Are there any favorite subjects that you enjoy painting?

KB: I like painting faces, nude women and flowers. I’m mainly doing flowers, as I can lure them into my house much more easily. It’s a very Zen, joyful experience for me to spend 50 hours painting a flower. It’s almost timeless.

R: We’ve heard that you’ve adopted many rescued animals.

KB: Two dogs, two cats and one husband.

R: Are there any current causes or nonprofits you’re working with that you feel people need to hear about?

KB: We’re going to be doing a True Blood concert with the [dog and cat rescue] Amanda Foundation in Los Angeles with Todd Lowe [who plays Terry], Chris Pierce (boyfriend of Tara Buck, who plays Ginger) and my husband, Abri van Straten. I will also be auctioning off my painting or drawing of Stephen Moyer. I also do work regularly with PCRM on the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act. Abri and I both work with IFAW for whales and the African elephant.

R: What can you tell us about your new film, Subject: I Love You, and the character you play?

KB: That was a fun little movie with fun folks in the Philippines. I play an FBI agent-turned-love doctor! It’s a very sweet love story.

R: Where else can we expect to see you in the next year?

KB: Hopefully in an art gallery! That’s my main goal for this year!