10 Best Beauty Tips for Summer


Summer is a time that we all get our bodies pumped up and beach ready, by hitting the gym to get those killer abs to show off our remarkable tans that make our bodies shimmer and shine, while we relax and lounge at the pool or jet ski on the beach. Summer is the time where we find summer love, watch fireworks, barbecue and have the most lavish block parties where everyone is invited.

So in the summer it seems like it is a must to look you best, since we have all these exciting and enticing events going on. There are some tips that we should all follow in the summer to help us keep looking our best so we don’t have to worry about beauty and we can just bask in the wonderful sun.

Summer Beauty Tips

1. Wear Sunscreen: The number one rule of thumb when preparing for the hot sun is to lather up with sunscreen that has a SPF rating of 15 or higher to protect your beautiful skin from those treacherous sunrays

2. Use Bronzer: Tanning is out Bronzer is in, let’s face it in the summer the sun gives you all the heat you need, do you really want to be trapped in the tanning bed? They have a variety of bronzers and spray on tanners that will create the same look as a tanning salon, without breaking your wallets.

3. Makeup without Foundation: It is not recommended to wear foundation in the summer, if you do decide to wear foundation wear very light and subtle colors or opt for tinted moisturizers they are lighter and more gentle to the skin.

4. Color, color, color! It is all about color in the summer use vibrant colors like green, pink, gold and loud colors that reflect the summer time atmosphere.

5. Your Hairstyle: Let’s face it hair seems to get oily, sweaty and greasy in the summer due to the humid temperatures, so instead of creating a ultra chic look, summer is the time where you can be playful and stylish while you wear your hair loose in a wet in wavy style or very loose ponytails for a girlish look.

6. Body Scrubs: Scrub & exfoliate your face daily to keep it looking fresh and to give you a feeling of renewal.

7. Waterproof Mascara: If you plan to be near the beach/water or any outdoor activity use waterproof make up and mascara so your make up won’t smear all over.

8. Frizzy Hair: Deep condition hair weekly since the humid weather can cause frizziness to your hair.

9. Avoid Blow Dryer: Avoid using the blow dryer in the summer, the sun gives you enough heat already instead use an alcohol free texturizer to do the trick.

10. Accessories: Summer is a time for fun in the sun, if you want to look fashionable the must have accessories that look good and also protect you are a nice straw hat that blocks the sun from your face and beautiful sunglasses designer or faux will do the trick and you will be already for fun in the sun.