Bradley Martin


Tell us about your personal Style!

Old-money aesthetic. Lots of fitted collared shirts and sweaters. I

tend to favor white, black, and blue. This style allows me to look like

I put effort into my outfits without abandoning comfort.

You wear the same pendant everyday and have for the past few

years, is there any meaning behind it?

Not initially but it grew into a symbol for turning the impossible

into reality. I started chasing a lot of my aspirations like writing

a novel and creating social media content back around the time I

started wearing this pendant. Four years later, I’m still wearing it. So

if anything it’s a sign of defying the odds.

Tell us about your novel. What made you want to create it?

My novel “Academy of Blood” is about a boy assigned a classified

mission to infiltrate a private academy for supernatural-blooded

students and kill them all. It’s a very high-stakes, action-packed

story. I was inspired to write this story by my love of reading, and I

ended up falling in love with the writing process.

Tell us about your writing Process.

My writing process looks very different for novel writing and

script writing, but there are a few similar fundamentals. I stick to

a schedule that designates daily time for brainstorming and scene

writing. When balancing multiple projects, it’s essential that you

prioritize and stay organized. For example, in my day, I typically

allocate time in the morning for my content writing since that’s my

main priority. After finishing that, I’ll jump to editing or reading

before later diving back into writing for my upcoming novel.

When did you learn to act?

I learned acting from my experiences in high school theatre.

I found my love for performing and began doing 3-4 productions


Who was your biggest influence growing up?

My greatest influence growing up was my parents. They made

me think I could accomplish anything I wanted, no matter how

seemingly crazy, as long as I worked hard and treated everyone

around me with kindness.

What is your favorite thing in your closet?

My textured white polo from Hollister is my favorite thing in my

closet. It finds its way into my outfits every week without fail, and if

you look at my social media pages, you won’t be able to miss it!

Where is your favorite place to eat?

I cook about 95% of my meals at home, but when I do eat out, I’ll

always choose a Mexican or Hawaiian-style restaurant. Hawaiian

Bros Island Grill has been my latest obsession. It has great flavors

and is an easy meal to pick up on the go.

What item could you not live without?

My journal, for sure. I write my daily, weekly, monthly, and

long-term goals at the start of every day. It’s a habit I picked up a

few years back, but it helps me focus on living each day in a way

that reflects my aspirations. Not to mention, all my random ideas

throughout the day are thrown in there!

Do you have a favorite anime? If so, Why?

My favorite anime switches all the time, but at the moment, it’s

Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I really appreciate works of fiction that can

move me emotionally, and this series had me crying my eyes out.

Tell us a little about your fitness routine.

My fitness routine is all centered around the idea of balance. I

do strength training with weights four times a week, endurance

training twice a week, and flexibility training three times a week.

Since most of my day involves using my brain to create and write,

I love the opportunity to use my body to its fullest in the gym


Do you work with any charities?

I’ve partnered with FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education)

a few times in the past years. Food allergies have been a struggle of

mine my whole life, so their purpose as a nonprofit really resonates

with me.

Plug your social media!

Instagram: @ Radmartin_ (255k followers)

TikTok: @ Bradmartin_ (2.9 million followers) & @ Radmartin_


Snapchat: @ Bradradmartin (555k subscribers)

YouTube: Bradmartin_